Friday 1 January 2010

Avoiding YouTube channel deletion popup

Sometimes when using YouTube, I have been getting an annoying pop-up which stops me watching a video.

You have an unused YouTube username

You no longer need your channel [channel name] to use most features on YouTube. Would you like to remove your channel?

No, I don't need it (Recommended).
You can create a new name on YouTube if need one at any time [sic]

Yes, I need my username
You will need to update your channel and create a new Google+ page

Neither option is desirable. Reading what some people had posted about this led me to believe that this would end up deleting my YouTube favorites. The second option looks like a hassle I can't be bothered with.


I remember a similar pop-up before with YouTube, one asking me to use my real name on my YouTube channel. I couldn't work out which option I was supposed to pick in order to say "no!"

For the time being, I can get rid of this pop-up by refreshing the page. When I am logging in to YouTube, I have re-type "" in the location bar to stop the pop-up coming up again.

(Post published on 14.viii.13 - backdated to be hidden)

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